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Laboratory Services


The BAHS laboratory is located just south of Cambridge, and offers a wide range of water and geotechnical testing services to a variety of business and private clients. BAHS provide UKAS* and non-UKAS water testing services for regulatory and non-regulatory needs.

Our water testing services can include bacterial, physical and chemical parameters which are used to verify that the most common drinking water parameters are below regulatory limits. Results from non-UKAS testing can be available within hours of sample receipt [typically 24 hours], enabling clients to quickly understand the quality of their water, take appropriate actions without delay and to give confidence that a water supply is safe to drink.


BAHS Lab Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Parameter Explanation

Sampling Instructions

Sample Registration Form


Our geotechnical testing services include grain size, soil, rock and thermal analyses and characterisation. We also have trained staff to visit your site to take samples of water and/or soil on request. All staff are qualified to take samples which provides the reliability needed for some testing.

*Please note, UKAS water testing is conducted with a partner lab.